Map Generation

access_amherst_algo.generate_map.add_event_markers(folium_map, events)

Add event markers to a Folium map with popups and Google Calendar links.

This function takes a Folium map and a list of event data to add interactive markers representing each event. Each marker includes a popup displaying event details (title, location, start and end times) and a link to add the event to Google Calendar.

  • folium_map (folium.Map) -- The Folium map object where the event markers will be added.

  • events (list of Event) -- A list of Event objects containing event details such as title, start and end times, location, description, and map coordinates (latitude and longitude).


The Folium map object with added markers for each event.

Return type:



>>> map_object = create_map((42.37284302722828, -72.51584816807264))
>>> events = [
>>>     Event(
>>>         title="Literature Speaker Event",
>>>         start_time=datetime(2024, 11, 5, 18, 0),
>>>         end_time=datetime(2024, 11, 5, 20, 0),
>>>         location="Keefe Campus Center",
>>>         map_location="Amherst, MA",
>>>         latitude=42.37149564586236,
>>>         longitude=-72.51478632450079,
>>>         event_description="Join us to hear our speaker's talk on American Literature! Food from a local restaurant will be provided."
>>>     )
>>> ]
>>> add_event_markers(map_object, events)
access_amherst_algo.generate_map.create_map(center_coords, zoom_start=17)

Initialize a Folium map centered around the specified coordinates.

This function creates and returns a Folium map centered on the provided latitude and longitude coordinates. The zoom level can be adjusted, with a default zoom level of 17 for close-up views.

  • center_coords (tuple of float) -- A tuple specifying the latitude and longitude (in that order) for the center of the map.

  • zoom_start (int, default 17) -- The initial zoom level of the map, where higher values provide a closer view.


A Folium map object centered on the specified coordinates and set to the defined zoom level.

Return type:



>>> map_object = create_map((42.37284302722828, -72.51584816807264))
access_amherst_algo.generate_map.generate_heatmap(events, timezone, min_hour=None, max_hour=None)

Generate a heatmap map object based on filtered events within a specified time range.

This function filters events based on the provided time range (specified by min_hour and max_hour, if provided) and generates a heatmap of event locations using their geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude). The heatmap is then added to a Folium map, which is returned for further use.

  • events (QuerySet) -- A QuerySet of Event objects, each containing attributes like latitude, longitude, and start time.

  • timezone (pytz.timezone) -- The timezone used for filtering events based on their start times.

  • min_hour (int, optional) -- The minimum hour (0-23) of the day to filter events by start time. Default is None.

  • max_hour (int, optional) -- The maximum hour (0-23) of the day to filter events by start time. Default is None.


The Folium map object with a heatmap layer representing event locations within the specified time range.

Return type:



>>> events = Event.objects.all()  # Example QuerySet of events
>>> timezone = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
>>> folium_map = generate_heatmap(events, timezone, min_hour=9, max_hour=17)
>>>"events_heatmap.html")  # Saves the map with heatmap to an HTML file